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Using Sortd for Gmail
Technical FAQ
Does Sortd work with other email accounts?
Does Sortd work with multiple Google Accounts?
What Gmail options/settings/configuration does Sortd work with?
Does Sortd work with other Chrome Extensions?
How do I update to the latest version of Sortd?
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Product FAQ
Custom Properties - Learn more
How much does Sortd cost?
How do I Add a List?
How do I add or remove users from my Sortd Team or Board
How do I set up a Custom Property?
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Technical Assistance/ Problem Solving
Sortd is slowing down or seems to have decreasing performance
Drag and Drop is not working!
Gmail Toolbars have disappeared
Sortd is only showing me the first/oldest email in a Conversation
Sortd is stuck in a 'loading' state or won't activate, what can I do?
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