Premium feature for paid users & those users trialing Sortd

Here are some of the apps that you can connect with Sortd

Zapier simplifies the integration of 2000+ apps. Use Sortd + Zapier to connect Sortd with all the tools your team use: Google Sheets, Google Forms, Typeform, Salesforce, Slack, JIRA and more.

Getting Started

  1. Click here to sign up for Zapier
  2. Select any app that you want to connect Sortd with using this link

Allow Zapier to securely access Sortd

  1. Follow the steps to set up the Zapier automation, also known as a Zap.
  2. When it asks you to "Connect a new account" or "Sign into Sortd", Zapier will ask you for Key and Secret from Sortd.  You can find this key and secret in Sortd's Settings screen, under the API section. See below.

  1. Open Sortd settings screen and click on the API tab
  2. Generate your unique Key and Secret by typing "zapier" into the "new API key" text box type and then click generate.  
  3. Copy and past the Key and Secret from Sortd back into Zapier.
  4. Complete setting up your Zap. 
  5. Test out your new Zap.
  6. You're all set! The automation runs in the background every 15 minutes.


If you happen to received an error on Zapier please check if you or your team are paid member of Sortd as Zapier integration is included on any paid Sortd plans (and also available during the trial phase of a paid plan).

Also see: Introducing Sortd Automations and Zapier Integration

For more help log a ticket or email