There are two ways cancel your subscription:

a. If you have Sortd open, you can cancel a subscription as follows:


1. Goto the Sortd settings dialog (cog at bottom left of Sortd in fullscreen) and click on Account.

2. Select the Team (e.g. "Sortd" in the screen above), based on the subscription plan you wish to cancel. This will open a new dialog with the "Billing and Users" tab selected, similar to the one below.

3. Under "Current Subscriptions" you will see the subscriptions linked to the selected Team. Click "Cancel" next to the Sortd Plan or Powerpack to cancel the subscription. Note: Use the Add/Remove buttons next to the "All Users" to add or remove users from the subscription. Your subscription billing will be prorated accordingly.

Note: the Starter plan cannot be cancelled but it is free. You do not need to do anything if that is the only plan showing before you uninstall Sortd if that is what you are looking to do. 

b. If Sortd is no longer installed in Chrome - use this link to access the settings page  and then follow the steps above.  If you then, after cancelling your subscription, you can click remove Sortd click "Remove account" if you don't think you might want to use Sortd again.