Several bugs found in version 1.0.0 of Sortd have been fixed in the last few days. There is no new Chrome Extension and Sortd should download the fixes when the Gmail tab is reloaded. Please reopen a Gmail tab to ensure you have the latest version running.
Bug Fixes
Gmail labels were not showing in Inbox
Stars (and Starring) was not working in the Inbox
Up and Down arrow keys to select emails in the Inbox where not working (in multi-select mode)
The Completed Tasks filter always showed as enabled
Drag and Drop was not working correctly when dragging outside the visible screen area
The 25 Task limit on the free Starter plan was including Completed Tasks
The 4 List limit on the free Starter plan was including a hidden system list
Notes were not being formatted correctly
Stop certain non-critical error messages being displayed
Outstanding Known Issue
We are aware that in a few cases some users' email is not showing correctly in the Inbox. We are investigating and will release an update as soon as possible