Significant Changes to Sortd Backend to remove IMAP to improve stability and reliability
A new Chrome Extension, version 0.21 is required to continue running Sortd
Certain Gmail labels/folders will now appear in English even though they may have been displayed in local language previously. We hope to have a solution to this problem in a future release.
Known Issues
The loading of Sortd directly into Fullscreen mode is still very slow but now at least we have provided some entertaining/calming imagery. (Please Note, this can be turned off from settings, or bypassed on the loading screen)
We are aware of many, many other issues, too many to list here.
Why so few Changes
For those of you expecting more rapid changes and or more features being released, the reason we are not releasing new features at the moment is because we have just completed some major backend changes to try and remove IMAP as much as possible so as to improve scalability, reliability and performance. This release see's the majority of that effort being completed and moving into production (Private Beta). We are still involved in a fairly substantial upgrade of the Sortd for Gmail front end which should improve performance and make it easier and faster for us to release new features, though this is only likely to be available in late April/early May 2016.